Friday, November 11, 2011

Thinking of Space/Time and Other Dimensions

Today I was thinking about Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity in connection to Feng Shui. In the early 1900s Einstein added time to the three dimensions of space making a fourth dimension. As mentioned previously Feng Shui is often considered the arrangement or manipulation of objects in space to achieve a change in energy.  However, since the beginning, possibly 4,000 years ago the Feng Shui model included time. So, Albert Einstein proved with our Western science the space/time continuum to the satisfaction of modern science something that the ancient people knew at some level of understanding. Because we live in a three-dimensional world it might be difficult for us to envision a world that could model additional dimensions. Or rather translate multi-dimensional thinking to a physical/spatial model. I am probably causing physicists to pull their hair out at my limited understanding of physics but in all reality, how many physicists would read a blog like this so they are most likely safe from my musings. To me metaphysics, into which category Feng Shui would probably fall, is attempting to work with concepts beyond our physical world and beyond the capacity of our senses.

 Physicists today have discovered things that cannot be directly seen but are known only by their effect on other particles of matter. Our science does not know where the energy of the universe comes from or even the nature of most of the matter that makes up the universe. But they can observe the effects of matter and energy on things that surround them. One example of things science knows but cannot see is the existence of quarks that make up protons and neutrons. Quarks are known only by the patterns they produce when electrons are bounced off from protons and neutrons in high-energy accelerators.

Feng Shui takes these theoretical ideas of multi-dimensional thinking and brings them into the four dimensional world of space/time by naming unseen energy for physical objects that we can observe with patterns of existence that we can readily understand. In Feng Shui we discuss the five “elements,” which are Earth, Metal, Wood, Water and Fire. Each of these “elements” has specific characteristics that that can be understood and remembered. Take Wood, for instance. The energy of wood is upward growth. Think of a tree. Fire energy radiates outward, Metal energy is contained, Water energy is deep and flows, Earth energy is flat or static. With these energy models in mind we can arrange physical objects in our space to effectively change the energy that surrounds us today. With these methods we can slow down or speed up energy flow, divert or attract and even change the energy in which we live and work. As the energy around us changes, it works to change us and changes how we relate to the universe and each other.

Thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

How Turtles, Dragons, Tigers & Ravens Reduce Stress Today

Where then, do we find all of these animal protectors today? They are all around us. Let’s start with a chair. A chair, believe it or not is a perfect example of being held in comfort and safety by the turtle, the dragon, the tiger and the raven. The back of the chair is the turtle that supports you from behind. The dragon and tiger are the arms of the chair.The raven comes in when the space in front of the chair is open so that one can observe everything in front.. This formula of positioning ourselves strategically can be observed in the old cowboy movies when the gunslingers always kept their backs to the wall or in military tactics forming lines of defense, the building of forts, and arrangements in executive offices. All of these situations consider that the position of power is always where your back is protected, you have the best view of your adversary and your flanks are defended.

How can we use these ideas in our daily lives? Let’s first look at a work environment. If you are positioned with your back to a door all day you may experience excessive fatigue and tension. Whether we realize this or not subconsciously our bodies go into defensive mode and the muscles in our back and neck tighten when we cannot see who is approaching us from behind. Medical studies have shown that over time our muscles can forget how to relax. The flight or fight response that is triggered by being startled or the possibility of being surprised from behind releases hormones and chemicals into the blood stream that can accumulate and remain in the body over a long period of time. This constant state of alarm can weaken the immune system causing a long list of chronic and acute illnesses and severe muscle pain. If at all possible position your desk or workstation so that you back is not to a door or even a window but against a solid wall facing the door. In addition if at all possible use a chair with a solid back and arms.  If you cannot reposition yourself the next best thing is to install a mirror or other reflective surface so that you are able to see anyone approaching from behind. Some of my clients have even found it helpful to hang a wind chime to prevent being taken by surprise. It is also important not to sit in a rigid position for long periods of time. If your work requires this try to take breaks where you can sit back and relax the muscles in your back against the back of a chair and your forearms on the arms of the chair. This passive support of the protective animals will allow your muscles to go into the relaxation mode and dispel the stress chemicals from your body. Following this ancient wisdom and honoring the turtle, dragon, tiger and raven can prevent much pain and stress of living today.

Thanks for stopping by.